We’re Back!

Well, the time has finally come for us to be able to resume flying again. Our last flight was at the end of 2019s balloon season and due to COVID-19, we were unable to fly. It’s been a very hard 18 months as we did not qualify for any grants or support funding from the Scottish Government as the support available was for “land and sea” activities only. Like many businesses, we’ve battled through it and managed to keep going including retaining all of our staff.

Before flying with us, you must ensure you do not have a fever or a president cough. We will also be cleaning our basket and equipment thoroughly between each flight to help mitigate the risks of COVID-19.

To everyone that has a balloon voucher already, thanks so much for sticking with us and we can’t wait to fly you!

Here’s to better times ahead for everyone!

The Webster Adventures Team